Fresno Water May Smell Bad

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Fresno water can sometimes have an unpleasant smell if it is contaminated with certain chemicals or if it has been standing in pipes for a long time. If the water in Fresno has an unpleasant smell, it could be due to a variety of factors and it is important to report any issues with the water to the appropriate authorities. If the water in your home has an unpleasant smell, you may want to contact 559 Water Filters to see if there is a problem with the water supply in your area. They will be able to test the water and determine the cause of the problem, and they may be able to provide guidance on how to address it.


What can I do if my water smells bad?

Here are several things you can try if your water smells bad:


Run the water for a minute or two before using it.

This can help flush out any contaminants that may have accumulated in the pipes.


Check the source of your water.

If you are on a well, there may be something wrong with the well itself. If you are on a municipal water supply, there may be an issue with the treatment plant or the pipes that deliver the water to your home.


Have your water tested

If the smell of your water does not improve with the above solutions, it may be contaminated and you should have it tested by 559 Water Filters.


Consider installing a water treatment system

There are many types of water treatment systems available that can remove contaminants and improve the smell of your water.


Clean your faucets and pipes

Sometimes, the smell of bad water can be caused by bacteria or sediment buildup in your faucets and pipes. Cleaning these components may help improve the smell of your water.


Try using bottled water

This can be a temporary solution if the smell of your tap water is particularly bad.

Why does my tap water smell like rotten eggs?

There are several possible reasons why your tap water might smell like rotten eggs. One possibility is that there is a problem with the water supply itself, such as a leak in a gas line that is causing the water to become contaminated with hydrogen sulfide gas. This gas is naturally produced by bacteria in the water and can give off a strong, unpleasant odor. Other possible causes of a rotten egg smell in tap water include the presence of sulfur-reducing bacteria in the plumbing system or a problem with the water treatment process. In order to determine the cause of the problem and find a solution, it is best to contact your local licensed plumber like 559 Water Filters.

smelly water in Fresno

What are the causes of smelly water?

There are several potential causes of smelly water. Here are a few possibilities:


Bacterial growth

Water that has a strong, musty smell may be contaminated with bacteria. This can occur if the water supply is not properly treated or if the pipes that transport the water are old and have started to deteriorate.



Water that smells like rotten eggs may contain high levels of sulfur. This can be caused by the presence of sulfur bacteria in the water supply or by the presence of sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide.



Water that has a strong, chlorine-like smell may be due to the use of chlorine to treat the water supply. This is a common occurrence in municipal water systems.


Organic matter

Water that has a musty or earthy smell may contain organic matter such as leaves, algae, or other debris. This can occur if the water supply is taken from a surface water source such as a river or lake.


Metal pipes

Water that has a metallic smell may be caused by the pipes that transport the water. This can occur if the pipes are made of metal and are starting to corrode.